ALWAYS Making us Smile, Suprising, Smart, Athletic, Strong-willed, Cuddly, Cute:
King Matthew
How do I start. Basically, he is his own. He is Hillarious.
Chris and I both have people tell us all the time, "he is so cute!"
There is a phenomenal pull about this kid.
He sucks you in and you end up doing whatever he wants you to... play ball, read books, tickle, wrap his blanket around him over and over, tell him where we are going again for the 20th time... and you never tire of it.
It is a pleasure.
Some days I think, is it possible to love some little being this much? Seriously, it is all- consuming. I look at him and want to munch him to death. He tells me where to go though when he's had enough.
We call him KING Matthew because since he could walk, he would bring his blanket of the day to you, turn around, back up to you, hands behind him, and wait... Like a Japanese sight-see-er waiting for the next tour.
Your job is to wrap that blanket around him and then pick him up, place him on his pillow, and get him a bottle. He does this everytime he gets tired. Still.
Please don't ever call him Matt - yuk. That is not this kid. He is Matthew, and Matthew-bug, and King Matthew. Ok thanks.
This one is a complete natural when it comes to sporty stuff. He was never taught to swing a bat, he just started one day and had the perfect stance. He was trying to play volleyball with me for about 2 weeks -- I had no clue what he was putting his hands together and swinging them up for, instead of just catching the ball like normal, frustrating me to death. I finally got it. He was about 18 months.
He runs up and kicks soccer balls left or right footed. He hits base balls off the bounce (cuz mom's pitching isn't always accurate). He drop kicks balls to himself. He throws quite accurately and hard! Amazingly, he can take off speed when you explain to throw softer, and yet it is still accurate.
CASE IN POINT: Last night was the school Halloween Carnival/(MAD HOUSE)... There was a cut out with three holes for a bean bag toss. Chris took him to it-- 3 for 3. All different holes. I didn't see too many kids that actually attend school get all 3 in the same hole.
He is stinking loveable... thats my best description at this point. Every day is something totally new, and our hearts warms up over and over again.
Basically-- we are in over our heads with WONDERFUL, TALENTED, AWESOME CHILDREN. I am at a loss many times a day. Inadequate. Short-sighted, and in great need of ADvice all the time. It is a given that I don't handle things the way they deserve... hope we don't stunt their growth from being so crazy!!
WE ARE TOTALLY GRATEFUL for the many lessons we have learned from them...
They are Spiritual Giants in these small little bodies. : )